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Curiosity & Opportunity: Jane ni Dhulchaointi


Last year I started an occasional video series with Ian Sanders called Curiosity & Opportunity. We want to find out how various creators, entrepreneurs and explorers use curiosity in their professional lives. Does curiosity create more opportunities for them or does it not matter at all? You can see our first interview with James Victore and read more about the project here. This time we spoke to Jane ni Dhulchaointi, founder and CEO of London-based company called Sugru (Irish for ‘play’). You might have used Sugru at home, you might have seen it in the wild, or you might be completely oblivious to its existence.

Regardless of which camp you fall into, you’ll enjoy Jane’s story of discovery fuelled by pure curiosity. It’s fascinating how by constantly asking questions and surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you can create an amazing product which is quickly conquering the world.

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