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Joys of the Window Seat

Michal Dzierza

Pictures taken through a plane window. Yawn. We’ve all seen and taken the classic plane shot – a bit of blue sky, some clouds, an unspecified mountain range (preferably snow-covered) and/or a sunset. Means a lot to us, bores the rest of the humankind to death. Stock agencies use them as examples of photography they don’t accept.

But The New York Times, inspired by this lovely piece by a former management consultant turned airline pilot, asked its readers to submit their best (if that’s the right word here) images taken from an air plane. The resulting Joys of the Window Seat gallery is as much about photography as it is about travel, history, nature and all those memories we bring with us from our travels.

And somehow, when collected together, the otherwise dull images work. Each comes with a caption explaining why it’s important to whoever submitted it or why it was taken and where.

Another nice example of simple yet effective storytelling in mainstream media.

But if you don’t like the pictures, at least read the article that inspired the gallery. Its author, Mark Vanhoenaker, the aforementioned pilot, gives some great tips regarding choosing ideal seats for the best take-off and landing views in London, New York, Los Angeles, Milan and other cities.

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